
the Quartet

What's being said about Abro's 'Quartet':

"Mr. James Abro's quartet of novels offers a spellbinding anecdotal recounting of life in America from the end of the 60s to the present. From the race riots to spiritual communities, from the jungles of Nicaragua to the boardrooms of the Federal Reserve, Mr. Abro peers fearlessly into the side-pockets of American life. The final scene in this tour de force of life imitating art and vice versa will leave you struck with pathos for the fading American dream."

- UR Books online review, from an article, ‘Writing that Doesn’t Suck.’





by James Abro

An infant is born backstage at a rock concert at the end of the 1960s. After his parents are busted on the spot for hashish possession a stranger, a half-breed named Bruce Bonwil takes them in. In order to post bail for the parents, and reunite them with their Baby, Bruce must go to an inner city still smoldering from rioting earlier in the summer. The backdrop for this post-60s novel is not another Vietnam memoir or sentimental hipppie reminisce; It's a more realistic look at a landscape inhabited by racism, police violence and Draconian drug laws that saw America pass South Africa as the leader in per capita incarcerations, by more than 2 million.

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Through the Fire

Through the Fire

By James Abro

It's 1987, the heady days of the Harmonic Convergence. A young man, BABY!, who was orphaned to a spiritual community eighteen years earlier is getting ready to go to NYC to visit the only other survivor of the 'accident' that killed his parents. Through his 'virgin eyes' we get to see an urban landscape plagued and blistered by AIDS, crack, and homelessness. The young man nevertheless manages to attract and fall in love with a beautiful, young and ambitious aspiring fashion designer. She charms him with her free-spiritedness and confounds his ideals of roantic love and tests his emotinal and spritual fortitude in ways that would never had happend had he stayed in the spritual community. The result is a unique contemporary spiritual coming of age story.

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Devils & Angels

Devils & Angels

By James Abro

In this third installment in James Abro's series on life in America from the end of the 60s to the present, we are introduced toa new character, Braf Bonwil (the Detroit Devil) . After going awol from military service in Central America, and then escaping jail in Detroit, we find Braf in Canada at the opening of this novel. In time, his past catches up with him and the FBI send an agent named Angel Mouriri to eliminate Braf. When a passionate tryst takes place between them, it sklews conventional ideas of good and evil and sheds light on why people and nation create 'evil enemies', and why.

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New Millenium Jitters

New Millenium Jitters

By James Abro

In this last installment of Abro's series on life in America from the end of the 60s to the present, the characters from his previous novels unite in a confrontation with the latest US federal law enforcement agency, the Department of Internal Security Services (DISS). When DISS discovers that Bruce Bonwil wrote the previous novels in tis series, and that the novels are taking on a cult following of activists, DISS decides that in order to save the Republic the must stop Bruce from finsihing NEW MILLENNIUM JITTERS. Bruce then employs the services an an MIT prodigy to hack into DISS's computers. DISS's activities then become events in the novel broadcast over Bruce's werbsite in real time. The result is a madcap tour de force of madcap art imitating life, and vice versa.

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all selections available at amazon.com



music - "Lonesome Sunset in Newark NJ"


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